Mar 7, 2009


Brain also needs Rest.
Anything that labours, be it a machiine or a body part, needs rest to survive and function properly.
the Brain is no exception, yet it rarely gets any rest.
Even during sleep the other body parts only get rest, the brain continue to process data and repair the body's damages.
trataka only can ensure almost no work for brain during the duration of this practice.
  • Sit cross-legged with the spine erect
  • place a lighted candle at eye level and at an arms distance
  • ensure that there is no wind to blow out the flame
  • close your eyes and sit still
  • concentrate on your breath for a minute or so
  • keep it natural
  • open your eyes and gaze at the brightest spot of the flame
  • continue gazing without blinking for 2 - 3 minutes
  • after that close your eyes gently
  • you will be able to see the clear after-image of the flame
  • concentrate on it till it fades
  • repeat the process 3 times, each round should be 5 minutes
  • in the end, rub your palms till they are warm and gently place them on the closed eyes
  • repeat 3 times
  • this will remove the tiredness from the delicate optic nerves

Doing trataka with a bright object like the candle flame for more than a month is not advisable.Use some other object such as a black spot or an image of your favourite deity.

Thanks 'Times of India'


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